Dish Diet
easy serving size portion control

Dish Diet Reviews
What Doctors and Nutritionists
are Saying:
The Dish Diet weight-loss system is based on the latest scientific research. It is simple, safe and effective. Dish Diet is recommended by health professionals.
Dr. Melissa Milan says:
• In contrast to most major commercial weight loss products on the market, the
Dish Diet is supported by solid scientific evidence.
• It is practical and easy to follow. Your dishware serves as your guide
for measuring food portions.
• Dish Diet will put you on track to become thinner and healthier.
• It is appropriate for use by your whole family, including children and diabetics.
Read Dr. Melissa Milan's entire diet review & recommendations.
Mary Franz, Registered Dietition says:
• I am happy to recommend the Dish Diet plan.
• It offers a safe, simple and effective way to lose weight
• The Dish Diet program makes weight loss easy because you can continue to
eat all of your favorite foods.
Read Mary Franz's entire diet reviews & recommendations.
dish diet
recommended resources
Dish Diet sized dishware
Portion control made easy with this specially designed set of plates, bowls and cups. Click here
Free BMI Calculator
Use the bmi calculation to find your current bmi index and healthy weight range.
Eat Out, Eat Right: The Guide to Healthier Restaurant Eating
Learn to make healthy menu choices from a wide variety of restaurants and cuisines.
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